Eating Disorders: Hope for Hungering Souls
Eating Disorders: Hope for Hungering Souls
Mark E. Shaw

God’s word has much to say about modern problems, including eating disorders. This book helps point the way to real hope and practical help through Jesus Christ.


Hope and Help for Video Game, TV and Internet
Hope and Help for Video Game, TV and Internet "Addiction"
Mark E. Shaw

This booklet gives insight into the problems of excessive TV, video gaming, and internet activity from a biblical perspective, and offers a practical plan of action.


Understanding Temptation: The War Within Your Heart
Understanding Temptation: The War Within Your Heart
Mark E. Shaw

Jesus was tempted in the same basic ways we are: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. From scripture you can be victorious over these temptations.
